4 YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C730600 59A V1000 Option Modbus TCP/IP Technical Manual1 Preface and Safety1 Preface and SafetyYaskawa manufactures products used as components in a wide variety of industrial systems and equipment. The selectionand application of Yaskawa products remain the responsibility of the equipment manufacturer or end user. Yaskawaaccepts no responsibility for the way its products are incorporated into the final system design. Under no circumstancesshould any Yaskawa product be incorporated into any product or design as the exclusive or sole safety control. Withoutexception, all controls should be designed to detect faults dynamically and fail safely under all circumstances. Allsystems or equipment designed to incorporate a product manufactured by Yaskawa must be supplied to the end user withappropriate warnings and instructions as to the safe use and operation of that part. Any warnings provided by Yaskawamust be promptly provided to the end user. Yaskawa offers an express warranty only as to the quality of its products inconforming to standards and specifications published in the Yaskawa manual. NO OTHER WARRANTY, EXPRESS ORIMPLIED, IS OFFERED. Yaskawa assumes no liability for any personal injury, property damage, losses, or claimsarising from misapplication of its products. Applicable DocumentationThe following manuals are available for the option and drive: Terms Registered Trademarks• Modbus TCP/IP is a trademark of Modbus-IDA.• All trademarks are the property of their respective owners.OptionYaskawa AC Drive -V1000 OptionSI-EM3/V Modbus TCP/IPInstallation ManualManual No: TOEP C730600 59Read this manual first.The installation manual is packaged with the option and contains abasic overview of wiring, settings, functions, and fault diagnoses.Yaskawa AC Drive -V1000 OptionSI-EM3/V Modbus TCP/IPTechnical ManualManual No: SIEP C730600 59(This book)The technical manual contains detailed information and commandregisters.To obtain the technical manual access these sites:U.S.: http://www.yaskawa.comEurope: http://www.yaskawa.eu.comJapan: http://www.e-mechatronics.comOther areas: contact a Yaskawa representative.Yaskawa DriveYaskawa AC Drive-V1000Quick Start GuideTo obtain instruction manuals for Yaskawa products access these sites:U.S.: http://www.yaskawa.comEurope: http://www.yaskawa.eu.comJapan: http://www.e-mechatronics.comOther areas: contact a Yaskawa representative.For questions, contact the local Yaskawa sales office or the nearestYaskawa representative.Yaskawa AC Drive-V1000Technical ManualNote: Indicates a supplement or precaution that does not cause drive damage.Drive: Yaskawa AC Drive-V1000 Series.Modbus TCP/IP Option: Yaskawa AC Drive-V1000 Option SI-EM3/V Modbus TCP/IP≥ 1012: Indicates a drive feature or function that is only available in drive software version 1012 or greater.H (Example: 900H) Indicates an engineering unit for hexadecimal number format.STOP(Hz)(Hz)(A)(V)V1000ᵄᢙᜰᱜォㅒォㆬᛯജᵄᢙജ㔚ᵹജ㔚࠲࠾ࡕࠗࠔࡈࡌࡊ࠶ࠕ࠻࠶ࠝ⸳ቯ࠲ࡔࡄࠣࡦ࠾ࡘ࠴࠻ޕߣߎ⺒ࠍขᛒ⺑ᦠߕᔅߪߦ೨ߩㆇォޔߌઃ߃ᝪㅢ㔚ਛ߮ࠃ߅㔚Ḯㆤᢿᓟ 5ࠍࡃࠞ࠻ࡦࡠࡈߪಽએౝޕߣߎߥߐᄖ400Vធ߇ਛᕈὐߩ㔚Ḯޔߪ႐วߩ࠲ࡃࡦࠗ⚖ኻᔕ㧕ޓޓ㧔ޕߣߎࠆߔ⏕ࠍߣߎࠆߡࠇߐޕߔ߹ࠅ߇ࠇߘ߅ߩ㧚ᗵ㔚߇ߌ㒾ޓෂ