3 Transmission Procedure3.1 Outline3-2165984-1CDHW1481823Adavanced EthernetFunction3.1.1 Socket ConnectionConnects a socket on the TCP port 80 of the DX200 from the hostcomputer.3.1.2 START RequestThe host computer sends a character string of a START request:"CONNECT Robot_access".This character string allows for a single command processing.If multiple commands need to be processed in a row, the host computersends a character string: "CONNECT Robot_access Keep-Alive:n". The following integer values can be specified in n.3.1.3 Response to START RequestAfter receiving a START request from the host computer, the DX200sends back a character string for the response to the request.If the DX200 normally receives a START request, it sends a characterstring: "OK: DX Information Server(Ver)." for a single commandprocessing and "OK: DX Information Server(Ver) Keep-Alive:n." for processing of multiple commands. In each casethe DX200 waits for reception of "3.1.4 Command" after sending back acharacter string.If the DX200 cannot normally receive a START request, it sends back acharacter string: "NG: HTTP Error Response", and closes asocket.3.1.4 CommandThe host computer sends a character string: "HOSTCTRL_REQUESTCommand Size". CommandUse the character strings listed in "3.2 Command Details" for Command. SizeFor Size, use the ASCII character string which represents the bytenumber in decimal form, of character string that is sent in "3.1.6 CommandData". This byte number is calculated including the linefeed code atthe end of the character string. If no command data are sent, writes "0" inSize.2 to 32767 : Executes as many commands as the number specified in n.-1 : Executes infinite number of commands.14/60