1-1165984-1CDHW1481823Adavanced EthernetFunction1 Introduction1.1 Features1 IntroductionThe Ethernet server function enables communication using more simpleprotocols instead of using conventional protocols such as BSC protocols,in the host control of the DX200 Ethernet function.The Ethernet server function is an option function: advanced feature of theDX200 Ethernet function.This manual explains settings and related information which arenecessary for the use of this function.1.1 Features1.1.1 Request of Multiple ProcessesThe Ethernet server function manages multiple connections, which allowsto perform sequential processing after receiving a multiple-processingrequest.1.1.2 Simplification of Communication ProcedureThe Ethernet server function uses TCP for the lower layer communicationprotocol. Using of the connection control function of TCP simplifiesconnection control processing in the upper layer and communicationprocedure.1.1.3 Communication with Other Than MOTOCOMThe communication procedure for the Ethernet server function issimplified, which enables users to prepare for all communicationprograms.NOTEThe Ethernet server function performs sequentialprocessing every time it receives a request. This functioncannot handle a simultaneous parallel processing ofmultiple requests.NOTEThe communication procedure with the conventional DX200Ethernet function was complicated; the procedure had notbeen disclosed. For this reason, the application"Motocom.dll" that mainly preforms communicationprocedure had been a must for the personal computer.NOTE The latest MOTOCOM allows the Ethernet server functionto communicate in the system.9/60