4 Execution of an Interrupt Job4.5 Output Signal of “Interrupt Job in Execution”4-2165259-1CDHW1481811Interrupt Job Function4.5 Output Signal of “Interrupt Job in Execution”During execution of an interrupt job, the output signal turns ON to indicatethat the interrupt job is being executed. This output signal turns ON whenan interruption signal is received and the interrupt job is called, and turnsOFF when the interrupt job completes.The output signal “Interrupt Job in Execution” turns OFF in the followingcases:• The execution of an interrupt job completes and the suspended job isrestarted.• Another job is called.• The CLEAR STACK instruction is executed.4.6 Automatic Interruption Disabled StatusOnly execution of the EI instruction enables interruptions. Even after themain power supply turns OFF, the interruption enabled/disabled status iskept.However, when a job is called, all interruption levels are automaticallydisabled for security.4.7 Job Call StackJob calls made by interruptions are processed like other job calls. Thesame job call stack is used for both kinds of job calls.Therefore, adding an interrupt job to a job call stack filled to level 8 causesthe stack to overflow.4.8 If an interrupt job cannot be executedAn interrupt job cannot be executed in any of the following cases:• During 1 step-back operation caused by the dedicated input#40090-#40097 " 1 step-back operation command”• During return operation of a restart function for arcing applicationIf an interrupt job is attempted, "AL4525: Specified job not executable" isdisplayed.20/27