2-2175932-1CD175932-1CDEcoTrim ET-1024 System 2 Equipment Description2.3 Programming Pendant2.3 Programming PendantThe Programming Pendant (see Fig. 2-6) provides the primary means ofprogrammer/operator interaction with the EcoTrim ET-1024 System. Thependant features the Windows® CE operating system and displaysinformation on a 6½ -inch, color LCD, touch-screen display (640 X 480VGA). The pendant also incorporates a Compact Flash card and USB portfor program backups.The pendant provides icon-driven system programming. It also features amenu-driven interface to simplify operator interaction with the robot. Mostoperator controls are located on the Programming Pendant. This allowsthe DX200 controller cabinet to be mounted remotely. By using thependant, the operator can teach the robot motion; perform programming,editing, maintenance, and diagnostic functions, and transfer control of theEcoTrim ET-1024 System to or from the Operator Station. For detailedinformation on the pendant programming keys, programming functions,and display functions, please refer to the DX200 Operator’s Manual that isincluded with your EcoTrim ET-1024 System (see section 1.3).Fig. 2-6: DX200 Programming PendantShort CutMain MenuJOB CONTENT000000010002000300040005000600070008000900100011TEST01TOOL:CONTROL GROUP:R1S:0000NOPSET B000 1SET B001 0MOVJ VJ=80.00MOVJ VJ=80.00DOUT OT#(10) ONTIMER T=3.00MOVJ VJ=80.00MOVJ VJ=100.00MOVJ VJ=100.00MOVJ VJ=100.00MOVJ VJ=100.00Turn on servo powerJOB EDIT DISPLAY UTILITYMOVJ VJ=0.78S-SELECTX- S+X+L-Y- L+Y+U-Z- U+Z+R-X- R+X+B-Y- B+Y+T-Z- T+Z+TEACHPLAYREMOTESTART HOLDSLOW8- 8+.2FASTTESTSTARTHIGHSPEEDBWD FWDINTERLOCKWELDON/OFFASSISTSERVO ONCANCELSERVOONREADYMAINMENUAREAPAGEGO BACKDIRECTOPENTOOL SELCOORDMultiLAYOUTMultiMANUAL SPEEDTOOL SELLAYOUTENTRYENTRYDELETEMODIFYSHIFTENTERINSERT963-.2587410MOTIONTYPEINFORMLISTROBOTEX.AXISAUXMAINMENU SIMPLEMENUSIMPLEMENUCOORDSERVOONREADYPAGE AREACANCELDIRECTOPENGO BACKSERVO ONSHIFTStart button Hold buttonEmergencystop buttonInsertion slot forCompact FlashPage keySelect keyManual speed keysAxis keysEnable switch (option)Enter keyNumeric keys / Function keysPress to input numbers.These keys are also used as function keysto input instructions, etc. Key’s function isautomatically switched when function keysare available.MotionType keyEnable switchLocated on the back ofthe programming pendant.When you lightly squeeze it,the power turns ON.When you firmly squeeze it,the power turns OFF.Cursor keyGeneral-purposedisplay areaMenu areaMode switchE- E+27 of 64