YASKAWA iQpump1000 Installation & Start?up Manual
No. Name DescriptionP3-08 Shutdown Pump DeltaLevelSets the level used for the multiplexpumping operation.Parameter is active only when P3-02 is setto 1 or 2.When P3-02 is set to 1, the last pump thatwas brought online will be shut down byopening the dedicated mult-functiondiscrete output (H2-0o = 80 to 84) whenthe delta feedback (feedback minussetpoint) has exceeded the levelprogrammed in this parameter for the timeset in P3-09.When the P3-02 is set to 2, the last pumpthat was brought online will be shut downby opening the dedicated multi-functiondiscrete output (H2-0o = 80 to 84) whenthe output frequency drops below the levelprogrammed in P3-50, P3-60, P3-70,P3-80, or P3-90 and the delta feedback(feedback minus setpoint) has exceeded thelevel set in this parameter for the time set inP3-09.Note: Programming thisparameter too close to thesystem setpoint may causethe pump system to cycleexcessively.P3-09 Shutdown Pump DelayTime Sets the delay time before one of theadditional line pumps is shut down.P3-10 Setpoint BoostMaximum at De-StageSets the maximum amount of boost that canbe added to the setpoint after a de-stageoccurs.Setting this parameter to 0.0 disables thefunction.P3-11 Setpoint Boost afterDe-Stage Time Sets the amount of time that the setpoint willremain boosted after lag pump is de-staged.P3-12 Multi Pump SetpointIncrease duringTransitionSets the system setpoint increase each timea new pump is brought online.Pump 1: SetpointPump 1 + 2: Setpoint + P3-12Pump 1 + 2 + 3: Setpoint + 2 x P3-12P3-13 Multi Pump SetpointDecrease duringTransitionSets the system setpoint decrease each timea new pump is brought online.Pump 1: SetpointPump 1 + 2: Setpoint - P3-13Pump 1 + 2 + 3: Setpoint - 2 x P3-13P3-14 Multiplex StabilizationTimeSets the time used to stabilize the systemwhen a pump is added or shut down duringmultiplex operation.When a pump is added, the stabilize timertemporarily disables the lead/lagfunctionality for the programmed time toprevent pump cycling.Function is active in contactor multiplexmode (P1-01 = 1). Time pump protectionand lead/lag control is suspended duringstabilization time.P3-15 High Feedback QuickDe-stageSets the High Feedback level that willtrigger a quick de-stage. The quick de-stageuses an internal 2 sec delay.A setting of 0 disables this feature.P3-16 Low Feedback QuickDe-stageSets the Low Feedback level that willtrigger a quick de-stage. The quick de-stageuses an internal 2 sec delay.A setting of 0 disables this feature.P3-30 Stage Selection Mode Sets the method of staging for the pumps.0: Sequential1: Stop historyP3-31 De-Stage SelectionModeSets the method for removing contactorpumps.0: Last in, first out (LIFO)1: First in, first out (FIFO)No. Name DescriptionP3-40 Pre-Charge Lag PumpSelectSelects which of the lag pumps can come onduring a pre-charge.0: Disabled2: Pump 2 (H2-0o = 80)3: Pump 3 (H2-0o = 81)4: Pump 4 (H2-0o = 82)5: Pump 5 (H2-0o = 83)6: Pump 6 (H2-0o = 84)P3-41 Pre-Charge Lag PumpRun Time Sets the length of time that the lag pumpspecified in P3-40 is energized.P3-42 Post-Pre-Charge LagPump OperationDetermines whether the lag pump set in pre-charge (P3-40) turns off or maintains itsstate when pre-charge is completed.0: Turn off1: ContinueP3-43 Pre-Charge Lag PumpDelay TimeSets the length of time that the drive is inthe pre-charge mode before the lag pumpset in P3-40 is energized.P3-50,P3-60,P3-70,P3-80,P3-90Pumps 2 to 6Frequency ShutdownLevelSets the level used for the multiplexpumping operation.Parameter is active only when P3-02 is setto 0 or 2.When P3-02 is set to 0 and a total of twopumps are running, the last pump (Pump 2)that was brought online will be shut downby opening the dedicated mult-functiondiscrete output (H2-0o = 80 to 84) whenthe output frequency falls below the levelset in this parameter for the time set inP3-09.When P3-02 is set to 2 and a total of twopumps are running, the last pump (Pump 2)that was brought online will be shut downby opening the dedicated mult-functiondiscrete output (H2-0o = 80 to 84) whenthe delta feedback (setpoint minusfeedback) has exceeded the levelprogrammed in this parameter for the timeset in P3-09.P4-01 Pre-Charge Level Runs the drive at the frequency set in P4-02.P4-02 Pre-Charge Frequency Sets the frequency reference used when thePre-Charge function is active.P4-03 Pre-Charge TimeSets the maximum allowed Pre-Chargetime.When P1-01 is set to 3 (MEMOBUSnetwork), the function is active only on thefirst drive to run in the network.Setting this parameter to 0.0 disables thefunction.P4-04 Pre-Charge MessageStyleSelects how the “Pre-charge Active”message is displayed on the operator.0: Full Screen Message1: Home Monitor TextP4-05 Pre-Charge Loss ofPrime LevelDetects loss of prime in the pump.When the measured quantity determined byP1-18 drops below this level for the time setin P1-20 and the output frequency is at thelevel set in P4-02, a “Loss of Prime”condition occurs.The drive responds to the “Loss of Prime”condition depending on the setting ofP1-22, Loss of Prime Selection.P4-06 Pre-Charge Frequency2Sets the frequency reference used when thePre-Charge function 2 is active.Setting this parameter to 0.0 disables thefunction.P4-07 Pre-Charge Time 2Sets the time at which the drive will spendat the Pre-Charge frequency 2 speed duringpre-charge.Setting this parameter to 0.0 disables thefunction.i.8 Parameter Table94 YASKAWA TOEP YAIP1W 02E YASKAWA AC Drive - iQpump1000 Installation & Start-up Guide |
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