20 FT-1900R OPERATING MANUALRF S QUELCHA special RF Squelch feature is provided on this radio. This feature allows you to set thesquelch so that only signals exceeding a certain S-meter level will open the squelch.To set up the RF squelch circuit for operation, use the following procedure:1. Press and hold in the [MHz(SET)] key for one second, thenrotate the DIAL knob to select “42 RF SQL.”2. Press the [MHz(SET)] key, then rotate the DIAL knob toselect the desired signal strength level for the squelch thresh-old (S1 - S9 or OFF).3. Press and hold in the [MHz(SET)] key for one second to save your new setting and exitto normal operation.The receiver’s squelch will open based on the highest level set by the two squelchsystems, “Noise Squelch” and “RF Squelch.” For example:1) If the Noise Squelch (SQL control) is set so that signals at a level of S-3 will open thesquelch, but the RF Squelch (Menu #42) is set to “S-9,” the squelch will only open onsignals which are S-9 or stronger on the S-meter.2) If the RF Squelch is set to “S-3,” but the Noise Squelch is set to a high level which willonly pass signals which are Full Scale on the S-meter, the squelch will only open onsignals which are Full Scale on the S-meter. In this case, the Noise Squelch overrides theaction of the RF Squelch.ADVANCED O PERATION