22 FT-1900R OPERATING MANUALREPEATER O PERATIONAUTOMATIC R EPEATER S HIFTThe ARS (Automatic Repeater Shift) feature in this transceiver allows easy and convenientrepeater operation by automatically activating the repeater shift function whenever youtune to a standard repeater subband. The ARS function is preset at the factory to conform tothe standards for the country to which it is exported.The ARS function is enabled at the factory. To disable it:1. Press and hold in the [MHz(SET)] key for one second, thenrotate the DIAL knob to select “4 ARS.”2. Press the [MHz(SET)] key, then rotate the DIAL knob tochange the display to “OFF.”3. Press and hold in the [MHz(SET)] key for one second to save your new setting and exitto normal operation.To enable the ARS function again, select “ON” in step 2 above.CHECKING THE R EPEATER U PLINK (I NPUT) F REQUENCYIt often is helpful to be able to check the uplink (input) frequency of a repeater, to see if thecalling station is within direct (“Simplex”) range.To do this, just press the [REV(DW)] key. You’ll notice that the display has shifted to therepeater uplink frequency. Press the [REV(DW)] key again to cause operation to revert tonormal monitoring of the repeater downlink (output) frequency. While you are listening onthe input frequency to the repeater using the [REV(DW)] key, the repeater offset icon willblink.European VersionVersion A145.1 145.5145.6 145.8146.0 146.4 147.0 147.6 148.0146.6 147.4ARS-Repeater Subbands