45FT-1900R OPERATING MANUALSCAN -R ESUME O PTIONSThree scan-resume modes are available on the FT-1900R: In the “BUSY” mode, the scanner will remain halted for as long as there is carrier presenton the channel; after the carrier drops at the end of the other station’s transmission,scanning will resume. In the “HOLD” mode, the scanner will halt on a signal it encounters. It will not restartautomatically; you must manually re-initiate scanning if you wish to resume. In the “3SEC/5SEC/10SEC” mode, the scanner will halt for the selected resume time,after which scanning will resume (whether or not the other station is still transmitting).The default scan-stop mode is “BUSY.” To change the scan-resume mode, use the followingprocedure:1. Press and hold in the [MHz(SET)] key for one second, thenrotate the DIAL knob to select “41 RESUME.”2. Press the [MHz(SET)] key, then rotate the DIAL knob toselect the desired scan-resume mode.3. Press and hold in the [MHz(SET)] key for one second to save the new setting and exitto normal operation.S CANNING