1FT-4XR/FT-4XE Operating ManualIntroductionThank you for purchasing this Yaesu product.• FT-4XR/4XE is a handheld transceiver for operation in the 144 MHz and430 MHz Amateur radio bands.• Bridged Transless (BTL) amplifier provides One Full Watt of Audio in spiteof small size.• Two Quick Recall Keys (User Programmable) for Individual Preferences• Lockout Capabilities for Keypad/PTT Lockout.• Emergency Operation (Alarm and HOME channel display)equipped.r A variety of individual selective calling functions; such as tone squelch(CTCSS) and DCS functions ........................................................... 20r Large-capacity 200 memory channels ........................................... 14r 3 home channels and 10 pairs of PMS memory channels ..................... 16r Create mnemonic tags for memory channels and Home channel .. 18r Automatic power off (APO) feature turns the transceiver OFF after apreset time period ........................................................................... 19r The cloning feature allows the memory and configuration data from onetransceiver to be transferred to another FT-4XR/4XE. .................... 23r The VOX system provides automatic transmit/receive switching based onvoice ................................................................................................ 19We urge you to read this manual in its entirety, and also the Advance Manual(available for download on the Yaesu website), to gain a full understanding ofthe amazing capability of the exciting new FT-4XR/FT-4XE Transceiver.