To adjust power level:You can change your power level from the default high of 5 watts to Medium 2W orLOW 0.5 watt.1. Press the F/W key2. Press the #3 keypad3. Rotate the top larger dial and select the power level you want. If your"memorized" frequency is set to high you can still set it to a lower power tosave battery life if you can reach the repeater with lower power.However, as soon as you change frequencies or turn off the walkie, yourtemporary power setting defaults back to what you entered.WHEN ALL ELSE FAILS: DO A COMPLETE RESET BY TURNING OFF THERIG, THEN PRESSING THE FIRST BUTTON UNDER THE PTT SWITCH ANDTURN IT ON AND DIAL THE DIAL TO F4 AND PRESS THE PTT AND IFSUCCESSFULL YOU WILL SEE 430.000 THE DEFAULT SETTING FOR AREBOOT SO ONE CAN START AGAIN.It does take practice and reading of the manual as the HT as many, many features,some of which I and others aren't aware of yet.If you find any errors in this "cheat sheet" please let me know what they are as Iwill print this out for myself and other owners of this popular rig.1. Battery Life: Do NOT recharge battery until you see the half empty battery iconon your display. Failure to do so will create a short memory and cause severalunnecessary charging until battery is useless. (page 10)2. Quick Charge: Be aware that the desktop 1 hour quick charge will also shortenthe FT-60’s battery life as a quick jolt of power is good for emergency use but NOTfor daily use.3. Frequency Labeling: This is a personal choice. I can not remember frequenciesby name so I have chosen to label each frequency so the name of the repeater isdisplayed and NOT the frequency. (page 30)a. make a list beforehand of the frequencies you have and the name ofthat repeater. This will make your work in labeling frequencies mucheasier.b. choose the frequency in memory you want to labelc. press the F/W key then press the 0 Set key