18 FT-817 Operating ManualHi! I’m R.F. Radio, and I’m here to guide you through the fine points of the setupand use of your new FT-817. I know your anxious to get on the air, but I encour-age you to read the “Operation” section of this manual as thoroughly as possible, soyou’ll get the most out of this fantastic new rig. Now. . .let’s get operating!TURNING THE T RANSCEIVER O N AND O FF1. To turn the transceiver on, press and hold inthe switch for one second.2. To turn the transceiver off, again press andhold in the switch for one second.The one-second delay helps you avoid ac-cidental switching on (or off) of DC power.SUPPLY V OLTAGE D ISPLAYWhen you turn on the transceiver, the DC supply voltage is indicatedin the upper right corner of the LCD for two seconds. After this in-terval, the display will resume its normal indication of the operatingmode (VFOa, VFOb, or Memory Channel Number).To view the supply voltage at any time during operation:1. Press the key momentarily, then rotate the knob to select Operating FunctionRow 11* [CHG, VLT, DSP] on the display.2. Press the (VLT) key momentarily to display the supply voltage in the upper rightcorner of the LCD.3. To cancel the supply voltage display, again press the (VLT) key.Remember, the Operating Row Number does not appear on the display.OPERATION