FTA-750/FTA-550 O perATing MAnuAl61gps FunctIon (Fta-750 only )4. Select “GPS ON/OFF”on the screen by press-i n g t h e [ ◄ ] o r [ ► ]key, and then press the[ENT] key.GPS ON/OFFPOWER SAVERECALL GPS + FLOCATION FORMATUTC/LOCALTIME OFFSETTIME FORMATUNIT OF MEASUREGPS SETUP5. S e l e c t “ O N ” o n t h escreen by pressing the[◄] or [►] key, andthen press the [ENT]key.The GPS unit is set toO N a n d t h e d i s p l a ywill return to the GPSSETUP menu.GPS ON/OFFOFFONGPS SETUPThe “ ” icon will appear on the top of the displaywhen returning to the screen of the COMM, MR, orother operation mode.Notes: The GPS unit is set to ON by default. To reduce the power consumption, you are recom-mended to turn the GPS unit OFF if unnecessary.The FTA-750 has an internal GPS reception unit toreceive and display the position information at alltimes. The position information of your own as well asrecieved stations can be memorized and utilized later fornavigation.Activating the GPS Unit1. Press the [MENU] key to display the MENU screen .2. Select “SETUP” on the screen by pressing the [◄]or [►] key, and then press the [ENT] key.3. Select “GPS SETUP” onthe screen by pressingthe [◄] or [►] key, andthen press the [ENT]key.