FTA-750/FTA-550 O perATing MAnuAl84GPS SETUP (FTA-750 only)Item Description Default ValueGPS ON/OFF Turning on/off the internalGPS unitONPOWER SAVE Setting the power saveoperation of the internalGPS unitAUTORECALL GPS+ FTurning on/off the recall ofthe frequency during theNAVI modeOFFLOCATIONFORMATSetting the notation formatof locationdddºmm.mmmUTC/LOCAL Setting the time area UTCTIME OFFSET Setting the time offset 0:00TIME FORMAT Setting the notation formatof time24 hourUNIT OFMEASURESPEED Settingthe unit ofmeasurementknotsDISTANCE nautical mileALTITUDE feetPINNING Turning on/off the pinning OFFD-GPS Turning on/off the differen-tial GPS featureONLOGGERINTERVALSetting the interval time oflogging5 secLOG ERASE Erasing the log −CONFIGURATIONItem Description Default ValueDIMMER Setting the brightness of thedisplay5LAMP Setting the lamp of thedisplayEXT PO/KEYCONTRAST Setting the contrast of thedisplay15KEY BEEP Setting the loudness of keybeeps3TIMER ALARM Turning on/off the timeralarmONBATTERYSAVERSetting the power saveoperation50%LOCKSELECTSetting the lockout configu-rationALL LOCKPTT LOCK Turning enable or disablethe PTT Lock functionUNLOCKRESET Resetting the radio −ABOUT...Item Description Default Value− Confirming the version ofthe software−setup mode