7Advanced OperationFTM-3100R Advance ManualDCS SearchWhen the DCS code being transmitted by another station is not known, you can tune theradio to the incoming signal and activate DCS code scan to search for and identify theDCS code being used.To scan for the DCS in use:1. Set the transceiver up for DCS operation(see the description in the box shown be-low.).“DCS” will appear on the display.2. Press the Programmable key on the MH-48A6JA Microphone that is assigned “CDSRCH” (see page 4) to start scanning for the incoming DCS code.3. When the radio detects the correct code, scanning will halt on that code, and audio willbe allowed to pass.4. Press the assigned Programmable key of the Microphone to lock in that tone and exitto normal operation.Note: You may listen to the (muted) signals from the other stations during DCS Scanningwhen Set Mode Item “TS MUTE 39” is set to “OFF”. See page 31 for details.You can also change the DCS Search scanning speed, using Set Mode Item “TSSPEED 40” See page 32 for details.DCS Operation1. Press and hold in the [MHz(SETUP)] key for one second to enter the Set mode.2. Rotate the DIAL knob to select “SQL TYPE 34”.3. Press the [MHz(SETUP)] key, and then rotate the DIAL knob to select “DCS”.4. Press and hold in the [MHz(SETUP)] key for one second to save the newsetting and exit to normal operation.