3Before UsingIntroductionImportant precautions for mobile radio operation The use of protective tape or covering is recommended to protect the wiring and thepower cord inside the vehicle. When installing the unit inside a vehicle, locate the radio, antenna, co-axial cable,etc. at least 20 cm away from the following control equipment.Ɣ (QJLQHUHODWHG )XHOLQMHFWLRQHTXLSPHQWDQGHQJLQHFRQWUROƔ 7UDQVPLVVLRQUHODWHG7UDQVPLVVLRQDQG:'HOHFWURQLFFRQWUROXQLWƔ 2WKHUV (&6(36$%6(7$&6)XOO\DXWRPDWLFDLUFRQGLWLRQHU$XWRKHDWHUFRQWUROXQLW*VHQVRU Install the antenna and co-axial cable away from the control unit and wiring harness.Place all cables so they do not entangle and impede the driver or passengers. Neverplace any equipment in a location where it may pose a danger to the passengers,where it may interfere with driving, or obstruct the driver field of view. Do not install any apparatus in such a way that it may interfere with the properoperation of the air bags. After installing the radio, check that the brake lamp, head lamp, turning indicatorlights, wiper, etc. are working normally with the radio power switched on. Keep full attention on driving, do not operate the radio controls or look at the radiodisplay while driving. Stop the vehicle at a safe location, before operating the radiocontrols or looking at the display. Do not drive the car in such a way that external sounds required for safe drivingcannot be heard. Most areas and districts prohibit the use of earphones andheadphones while driving. When using the radio transmitter, if it appears to have abnormal effects on the controlequipment of the vehicle, stop the engine, turn off the power supply, and disconnectthe power cord. Resolve the problem before continuing to operate the radioequipment. When using the radio in an electric or hybrid car, the receiver may experience highRF interference and noise from the inverters that are built into the electric vehicle.