73Scanning6LJQDO6HDUFK● 7RVWRSWKHVFDQQLQJTo stop the scanning, either touch >6&$1@ or press the microphone >377@ button (theradio will not transmit in this case).6HWWLQJWKHUHFHLYHRSHUDWLRQZKHQWKHVFDQQLQJVWRSVAny of the following three methods can be selected as the action to be taken after thescanning stops.(1) Restarts the scanning after receiving for the set amount of time. Select from one,three or five seconds.(2) Continues receiving until the signal disappears and then restart the scanning twoseconds after the signal disappears (BUSY).(3) Stops the scanning to receive at that frequency (HOLD).1 Press for one second or longerThe set-up menu will be displayed.2 Touch >6&$1@The menu list will be displayed.$#%-$#%-6:4:5'672/'074'5'6%.10'%10(+)9 Ჰ 4'55%#0&+52.#;5+)0#.+0)#245 126+105&%#4&/'/14;#%#..5+)03 Touch >6&$15(680(@ to select the receptionmethodThe reception method will change in the followingorder each time the screen is touched. ³%86<´ĺ³+2/'´ĺ³VHF´ĺ³VHF´ĺ³VHF´Tips • The reception method can also be selected by pressing.• Factory default value: 3 sec$#%-$#%-UGE5%#05%#04'57/'5%#0&+4'%6+10ᲹᲺ#761&7#.9#6%*561272 Press for one second or longerThe reception method when the scanning stops will be set and the display will returnto the previous screen.7LSThe settings here are applicable to “VFO Scan”, “Memory Scan” and “Programmable Memory Scan”.