PERIODIC MAINTENANCE AND ADJUSTMENT7-227EAU22273Brake light switchesThe brake light, which is activated bythe brake pedal and brake lever, shouldcome on just before braking takes ef-fect. If necessary, adjust the rear brakelight switch as follows, but the frontbrake light switch should be adjustedby a Yamaha dealer.Turn the rear brake light switch adjust-ing nut while holding the rear brake lightswitch in place. To make the brake lightcome on earlier, turn the adjusting nutin direction (a). To make the brake lightcome on later, turn the adjusting nut indirection (b).EAU22321Checking the front and rearbrake padsFront brakeRear brakeThe front and rear brake pads must bechecked for wear at the intervals spec-ified in the periodic maintenance andlubrication chart. Each brake pad isprovided with a wear indicator groove,which allows you to check the brakepad wear without having to disassem-ble the brake. To check the brake padwear, check the wear indicatorgrooves. If a brake pad has worn to thepoint that the wear indicator groove hasalmost disappeared, have a Yamahadealer replace the brake pads as a set.1. Rear brake light switch2. Rear brake light switch adjusting nut1. Brake pad wear indicator groove1. Brake pad wear indicator groove