Basic components14To increase resistance, turn the adjusterclockwise.To decrease resistance, turn the adjustercounterclockwise.WARNINGEWM00040Do not overtighten the friction adjuster. Ifthere is too much resistance, it could bedifficult to steer, which could result in anaccident.EMU26240Trim tab with anodeThe trim tab should be adjusted so that thesteering control can be turned to either theright or left by applying the same amount offorce.WARNINGEWM00840An improperly adjusted trim tab couldcause difficult steering. Always test runafter the trim tab has been installed or re-placed to be sure steering is correct. Besure you have tightened the bolt after ad-justing the trim tab.If the boat tends to veer the left (port side),turn the trim tab rear end to the port side “A”in the figure. If the boat tends to veer the right(starboard side), turn the trim tab end to thestarboard side “B” in the figure.CAUTION:ECM00840The trim tab also serves as an anode toprotect the engine from electrochemicalcorrosion. Never paint the trim tab as itwill become ineffective as an anode.EMU26261Trim rod (tilt pin)The position of the trim rod determines theminimum trim angle of the outboard motor inrelation to the transom.EMU26270Shallow water leverLifting this lever will tilt the motor up partiallyto provide more clearance when operating inshallow water.ZMU029081. Trim tab2. BoltZMU0282212ABZMU02929