Operation23EMU27321Oil level indicator operationThe various functions of the oil level system are as follows:EMU27332EMU27450Operating engineEMU27461Feeding fuel (portable tank)WARNINGEWM00420 Before starting the engine, make surethat the boat is tightly moored and thatyou can steer clear of any obstructions.Be sure there are no swimmers in thewater near you. When the air vent screw is loosened,gasoline vapor will be released. Gaso-line is highly flammable, and its vaporsare flammable and explosive. Refrainfrom smoking, and keep away fromopen flames and sparks while loosen-ing the air vent screw. This product emits exhaust gaseswhich contain carbon monoxide, a col-orless, odorless gas which could causebrain damage or death when inhaled.Symptoms include nausea, dizziness,and drowsiness. Keep cockpit and cab-in areas well ventilated. Avoid blockingexhaust outlets.1. If there is an air vent screw on the fueltank cap, loosen it 2 or 3 turns.2. If there is a fuel joint on the motor, firmlyconnect the fuel line to the joint. Thenfirmly connect the other end of the fuelline to the joint on the fuel tank.Oil level warning indicator Engine oil tank RemarksOFFmore than200 cm 3(0.21 US qt,0.181 Imp qt)No refilling necessary.ONRed200 cm 3 orless (0.21 USqt, 0.181 Impqt) Buzzer sounds inremote control boxand engine speed islimited to about 2000r/min to help con-serve oil. Check oil filter forclogging. Add oil; see page21.ZMU02022