Operation27tral throttle lever, a good starting point is tolift the lever just until you feel resistance,then lift slightly more. The neutral throttle lever or free accelera-tor can only be used when the remote con-trol lever is in neutral.5. Press in and hold the main switch to op-erate the remote choke system. The re-mote choke switch automatically returnsto its normal position when you releaseyour hand. Therefore keep the switchpressed in.NOTE: It is not necessary to use the choke whenstarting a warm engine. Push in the main switch fully, or the remotechoke system will not operate.6. Turn the main switch to “ ” (start),and hold it for a maximum of 5 seconds.7. Immediately after the engine starts, re-lease the main switch and allow it to re-turn to “ ” (on).CAUTION:ECM00191 Never turn the main switch to “ ”(start) while the engine is running. Do not keep the starter motor turningfor more than 5 seconds. If the startermotor is turned continuously for morethan 5 seconds, the battery will bequickly discharged, thus making it im-possible to start the engine. The startercan also be damaged. If the engine willnot start after 5 seconds of cranking,return the main switch to “ ” (on), wait10 seconds, then crank the engineagain.EMU27670Warming up engineEMU27681Choke start models1. After starting the engine, allow it to idlefor 3 minutes to warm up. Failure to doso will shorten engine life. Gradually re-turn the choke knob to its home positionas the engine warms up.2. Check for a steady flow of water from thecooling water pilot hole.CAUTION:ECM00511A continuous flow of water from the cool-ing water pilot hole shows that the waterpump is pumping water through the cool-ing passages. If water is not flowing outof the hole at all times while the engine isrunning, overheating and serious dam-age could occur. Stop the engine andcheck whether the cooling water inlet onthe lower case or the cooling water pilothole is blocked. Consult your Yamahadealer if the problem cannot be locatedSTARTOFF ONZMU02315