Operation29firmly from neutral to reverse.Remote control models1. Pull up the neutral interlock trigger (ifequipped) and move the remote controllever quickly and firmly from neutral toreverse.EMU27795Reverse (manual tilt and hydro tiltmodels)WARNINGEWM00190When operating in reverse, go slowly. Donot open the throttle more than half. Oth-erwise the boat could become unstable,which could result in loss of control andan accident.Tiller control models1. Place the throttle grip in the fully closedposition.2. On models equipped with a tilt lock le-ver, check that it is in the lock/down po-sition.3. Move the gear shift lever quickly andfirmly from neutral to reverse.Remote control models1. Check that the tilt lock lever is in the lockposition.2. Pull up the neutral interlock trigger (ifequipped) and move the remote controllever quickly and firmly from neutral toreverse.ZMU02030ZMU03776ZMU03775