E4-7001329EMU01369TRANSPORTING ANDSTORING OUTBOARD MOTORwLeaking fuel is a fire hazard. When trans-porting and storing the outboard motor,close the air vent screw and fuel cock toprevent fuel from leaking.EMU00326TRAILERING OUTBOARD MOTORThe motor should be trailered and stored inthe normal running position. If there is insuf-ficient road clearance in this position, thentrailer the motor in the tilt position using amotor support device such as a transomsaver bar.For further details, consult your Yamahadealer.w8 Never get under the lower unit while itis tilted, even if a motor support bar isused. Severe injury could occur if theoutboard accidentally falls.8 USE CARE when transporting fueltank, whether in a boat or car.8 DO NOT fill fuel container to maximumcapacity. Gasoline will expand consid-erably as it warms up and can build uppressure in the fuel container. Thiscan cause fuel leakage and a potentialfire hazard.cCDo not use the tilt support lever/knobwhen trailering the boat. The outboardmotor could shake loose from the tiltsupport and fall. If the motor can not betrailered in the down position, use anadditional support device to secure it inthe up position.