E1-1YAMAHA MOTOR CO., LTD.MADE IN JAPANPAYS D'ORIGINE JAPON1401012000319123YAMAHAqEMU00005IDENTIFICATION NUMBERSRECORDEMU00007OUTBOARD MOTOR SERIALNUMBERThe outboard motor serial number isstamped on the label attached to the portside of the clamp-bracket.Record your outboard motor serial numberin the spaces provided to assist you inordering spare parts from your Yamahadealer or for reference in case your out-board motor is stolen.1 Outboard motor serial numberEMU00008KEY NUMBERIf a main key switch is equipped with themotor, the key identification number isstamped on your key as shown in the illus-tration. Record this number in the spaceprovided for reference in case you need anew key.1 Key number