POWR5-35 69D5G11Power unitChecking the piston ring side clear-ance1. Measure the piston ring side clearance.Replace the piston and piston rings as aset if out of specification.Checking the piston pin boss bore1. Measure the piston pin boss bore.Replace the piston if out of specification.Checking the piston pin1. Measure the piston pin outside diameter.Replace if out of specification.Checking the internal anodes1. Check the anodes on the cylinder block.Clean the anode’s surface and replace ifit has been eroded into half size or small-er.cCDo not oil, grease, or the anodes, other-wise they will not be able to prevent gal-vanic corrosion effectively.Piston ring side clearance:Top ring and 2nd ring:0.03—0.07 mm(0.0012—0.0028 in)Piston pin boss bore:19.904—19.915 mm(0.7836—0.7841 in)Piston pin diameter:19.895—19.900 mm(0.7833—0.7835 in)69D504256F6504506B45053069D50365