Specifications and requirements21a gasoline that is advertised as Top Tier De-tergent Gasoline. Failure to comply with theserecommendations may also result in un-scheduled maintenance, fuel system dam-age, and internal engine damage.NOTICEECM01981● Do not use leaded gasoline. Leaded gas-oline can seriously damage the engine.● Avoid getting water and contaminants inthe fuel tank. Contaminated fuel cancause poor performance or engine dam-age. Use only fresh gasoline that hasbeen stored in clean containers.Gasoline with EthanolTwo types of gasoline are commonly avail-able in the U.S.A. and Canada for use in au-tomobiles and boats: conventional gasolinewithout Ethanol and gasoline with Ethanol,which is typically referred to as E10 gasoline.According to federal regulations, E10 gaso-line may contain up to 10% Ethanol.A high quality gasoline without Ethanol is thepreferred fuel for your Yamaha outboard mo-tor. However, if gasoline with Ethanol is theonly fuel available in your area, your Yamahaoutboard motor is calibrated to run properlyon fresh E10 gasoline that meets the mini-mum octane requirement specified for thismodel.NOTICEECM02401Never use a gasoline for your outboardmotor that contains more than 10% Etha-nol, such as E15 which contains 15% Eth-anol or E85 which contains 85% Ethanol,or gasoline containing any amount ofMethanol. These fuels can cause startingand running problems, as well as seriousfuel system and internal engine damage.Gasoline containing ethanol has severalproperties that may cause boat fuel systemproblems.● Ethanol is a strong solvent (cleaning agent)that can clean gum and varnish depositsfrom a boat’s fuel system, particularly in old-er boats, as well as tanks and pipes used ingasoline distribution. These released de-posits contaminate the fuel and can causeproblems, such as clogged fuel filters, car-buretors, or fuel injectors, which could re-sult in engine damage.● Ethanol may dissolve resins used in theconstruction of fiberglass fuel tanks. Thedissolved resins contaminate the fuel andcan cause problems, such as clogged fuelfilters, carburetors, or fuel injectors, whichcould result in engine damage.● Ethanol is hygroscopic (has a strong attrac-tion to water). Therefore, any water that in-advertently enters the fuel system,including moisture that is absorbed from theair, will mix with the ethanol in the gasoline.If the amount of water is excessive, the eth-anol and water mixture will separate fromthe gasoline in a layer at the bottom of thefuel tank. This ethanol and water mixture isvery corrosive to aluminum fuel tanks andfuel system components.● The usable life span of E10 gasoline maybe shorter than the normal length of off-sea-son boat storage, causing starting and run-ning problems related to stale fuel.For more information on using fuel containingethanol, visit: http://www.yamaha-motor.comRecommended fuel:Regular unleaded gasolineMin. pump octane number (PON):86