Operation554. Place the choke knob in the “ ”(start) position. After the engine starts, re-turn the knob to the “ ” (run) position.TIP:● When restarting a warm engine, place thechoke knob in the “ ” (run) position.● If the choke knob is left in the “ ” (start)position while the engine is running, the en-gine will run poorly or stall.5. Pull the manual starter handle slowly untilyou feel resistance. Then give a strongpull straight out to start the engine. Re-peat if necessary.6. After the engine starts, slowly return themanual starter handle to the original posi-tion before releasing it.7. Slowly return the throttle grip to the fullyclosed position.TIP:● When the engine is cold, it needs to bewarmed up. For further information, seepage 57.● If the engine does not start on the first try,repeat the procedure. If the engine fails tostart after 4 or 5 tries, open the throttle asmall amount (between 1/8 and 1/4) and tryagain. Also if the engine is warm and fails tostart, open the throttle a same amount andtry to start the engine again. If the enginestill fails to start, see page 92.Procedure for starting outboard motor (F4,F6)1. Move the gear shift lever to the neutralposition.