Operation43EMU36381First-time operationEMU36391Fill engine oilThe engine is shipped from the factory withoutengine oil. If your dealer did not fill the oil, youmust fill it before starting the engine. NOTICE:Check that the engine is filled with oil be-fore first-time operation to avoid severeengine damage. [ECM01781]The engine is shipped with the following stick-er, which should be removed after engine oilis filled for the first time. For more informationon checking the engine oil level, see page 45.EMU30174Breaking in engineYour new engine requires a period of break-into allow mating surfaces of moving parts towear in evenly. Correct break-in will help en-sure proper performance and longer enginelife. NOTICE: Failure to follow the break-inprocedure could result in reduced enginelife or even severe engine damage. [ECM00801]EMU40060Procedure for 4-stroke modelsYour new engine requires a period of 10hours break-in to allow mating surfaces ofmoving parts to wear in evenly.TIP:Run the engine in the water, under load (ingear with a propeller installed) as follows. For10 hours for breaking in engine avoid extend-ed idling, rough water and crowded areas.1. For the first hour of operation:Run the engine at varying speeds up to2000 r/min or approximately half throttle.2. For the second hour of operation:Run the engine at 3000 r/min or at ap-proximately three-quarter throttle.3. Remaining 8 hours:Run the engine at any speed. However,avoid operating at full throttle for morethan 5 minutes at a time.4. After the first 10 hours:Operate the engine normally.EMU36400Getting to know your boatDifferent boats handle differently. Operatecautiously while you learn how your boat han-dles under different conditions and with differ-ent trim angles (see page 62).EMU36413Checks before starting engineWARNINGEWM01921If any item in “Checks before starting en-gine” is not working properly, have it in-spected and repaired before operating theoutboard motor. Otherwise, an accidentcould occur.NOTICEECM00120Do not start the engine out of water. Over-heating and serious engine damage canoccur.EMU36560Fuel levelBe sure you have plenty of fuel for your trip. Agood rule is to use 1/3 of your fuel to get to thedestination, 1/3 to return, and to keep 1/3 asan emergency reserve. With the boat level ona trailer or in the water, check the fuel level.For fuel filling instructions, see page 48.ZMU01710