8-9– +ELEC EELECTRICAL ANALYSISELECTRICAL ANALYSISINSPECTIONDigital circuit testerNOTE:Throughout this chapter the digital circuittester’s part number has been omitted.Refer to the following part number.NOTE:“ ” indicates a continuity of electric-ity (i.e., a closed circuit at the respectiveswitch position).Digital circuit tester:J-39299/90890-06752Peak voltage measurementNOTE:l When checking the condition of the igni-tion system it is vital to know the peakvoltage.l Cranking speed is dependant on manyfactors (e.g., fouled or weak spark plugs, aweak battery). If one of these is defected,the peak voltage will be lower than speci-fication.l If the peak voltage measurement is notwithin specification the engine will notoperate properly.l A low peak voltage will also cause compo-nents to prematurely wear.Peak voltage adaptorNOTE:l Throughout this chapter the peak voltageadaptor’s part number has been omitted.Refer to the following part number.l The peak voltage adaptor should be usedalong with the digital circuit tester.Peak voltage adaptor:YU-39991/90890-03169