General information5 Do not touch or remove electrical partswhen starting or during operation. Keep hands, hair, and clothes away fromflywheel and other rotating parts whileengine is running.EMU25431LabelWARNINGEWM01300 This engine is equipped with a neutralstarting device. The engine will not start unless the shiftcontrol is in neutral position.EMU25464Caution labelsEMU25472LabelCAUTION:ECM01190Transport and store the engine only asshown. Otherwise, engine damage couldresult from Leaking oil.EMU25500Basic boating rules (Rules ofthe road)Just as there are rules which apply when youare driving on streets and high ways, thereare waterway rules which apply when you aredriving your boat. These rules are used inter-nationally, and are also enforced by the Unit-ed States Coast Guard and local agencies.You should be aware of these rules, and fol-low them whenever you encounter anothervessel on the water.Several sets of rules prevail according to geo-graphic location, but are all basically the sameas the International Rules of the Road. Therules presented here in your Owner’s Manualare condensed, and have been provided foryour convenience only. Consult your localU.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary or Department ofMotor Vehicles for a complete set of rulesgoverning the waters in which you will be us-ing your boat.EMU25510Steering and sailing rules and soundsignalsWhenever two vessels on the water meet oneanother, one vessel has the right-of-way; it iscalled the “stand-on” vessel. The vesselwhich does not have the right-of-way is calledthe “give-way” or “burdened” vessel. Theserules determine which vessel has the right-of-way, and what each vessel should do.