Installation32Test runs at different heights can help de-termine the optimum mounting height.Consult your Yamaha dealer or boat man-ufacturer for further information on deter-mining the proper mounting height. For instructions on setting the trim angle ofthe outboard motor, see page 49.EMU26974Clamping the outboard motor(1) Place the outboard motor on the tran-som so that it is positioned as close tothe center as possible. Tighten the tran-som clamp screws evenly and securely.Occasionally check the clamp screws fortightness during operation of the out-board motor because they could be-come loose due to engine vibration.WARNING! Loose clamp screws couldallow the outboard motor to fall off ormove on the transom. This couldcause loss of control and serious inju-ry. Make sure the clamp screws aretightened securely. Occasionallycheck the screws for tightness duringoperation. [EWM00643](2) If the restraint cable attachment isequipped on your engine, a restraint ca-ble or chain should be used. Attach oneend to the restraint cable attachment andthe other to a secure mounting point onthe boat. Otherwise the engine could becompletely lost if it accidentally falls offthe transom.(3) Secure the clamp bracket to the transomusing the bolts provided with the out-board (if packed). For details, consultyour Yamaha dealer. WARNING! Avoidusing bolts, nuts or washers otherthan those contained in the enginepackaging. If used, they must be of atleast the same quality of material andstrength and must be tightened se-curely. After tightening, test run theengine and check their tightness.[EWM00652]ZMU020121. BoltsZMU020131ZMU03806