Maintenance61(2) Wash the outboard motor body usingfresh water. NOTICE: Do not spray wa-ter into the air intake. [ECM01841] For furtherinformation, see page 63.(3) Disconnect the fuel line from the out-board motor.(4) Remove the top cowling and silencercover/cap, if equipped. Remove the pro-peller. For further details, see page 73.(5) Position the outboard motor on a watertank. For further details, see page 30.(6) Fill the tank with fresh water until the anti-cavitation plate is immersed in water.NOTICE: If the fresh water level is be-low the level of the anti-cavitationplate, or if the water supply is insuffi-cient, engine seizure may occur.[ECM00292](7) Cooling system flushing is essential toprevent the cooling system from clog-ging up with salt, sand, or dirt. In addi-tion, fogging/lubricating of the engine ismandatory to prevent excessive enginedamage due to rust. Perform the flushingand fogging at the same time.WARNING! Do not touch or removeelectrical parts when starting or dur-ing operation. Keep hands, hair, andclothes away from the flywheel andother rotating parts while the engine isrunning. [EWM00092](8) Run the engine at a fast idle for a fewminutes in neutral position.(9) Just prior to turning off the engine, quick-ly spray “Fogging Oil” alternately intoeach carburetor or the fogging hole ofthe silencer cover, if equipped. Whenproperly done, the engine will smoke ex-cessively and almost stall.(10) Remove the outboard motor from thetest tank.(11) Install the silencer cover/cap of fogginghole (if equipped) and top cowling.(12) If the “Fogging Oil” is not available, runthe engine at a fast idle until the fuel sys-tem becomes empty and the enginestops.(13) Drain the cooling water completely out ofthe motor. Clean the body thoroughly.(14) If the “Fogging Oil” is not available, re-move the spark plug(s). Pour a tea-spoonful of clean engine oil into eachcylinder. Crank several times manually.Replace the spark plug(s).(15) Drain the fuel from the fuel tank.(16) Store the fuel tank in a dry, well-ventilat-ed place, not in direct sunlight.1. Water surface2. Lowest water levelZMU0205112ZMU07891