FEATURES1-10ABS block diagramET3P61051ABS COMPONENT FUNCTIONSWheel sensors and wheel sensor rotorsWheel sensors “1” detect the wheel speed and transmit the rotation signal to the ABS ECU.Each wheel sensor is composed of a permanent magnet and a coil. The wheel sensors are installed inthe sensor housing for each wheel. Sensor rotors “2” are pressed in the inner side of the front and rearwheel hubs and rotate with the wheels. The wheel sensor rotors have 42 serrations inside and are in-stalled close to the wheel sensors. As the distance changes between the top and bottom of the serra-tions with the rotation of the wheels, inductive electromotive force is generated in the wheel sensors.Wheel speed is detected based on the frequency of this alternating voltage.18 7 765 4256731314151612111091. Rear brake master cylinder2. Hydraulic unit3. Front brake master cylinder4. ABS motor5. Hydraulic pump6. Buffer chamber7. Hydraulic control valve8. Proportioning valve9. Rear brake caliper10. Rear wheel sensor11. Metering valve12. ABS ECU13. Left front brake caliper14. Front wheel sensor15. Right front brake caliper16. ABS warning light1212Manuals by Motomatrix / www.motomatrix.co.uk / The Solution For Lost Motorcycle Coded Keysemail: info@motomatrix.co.uk