Instrument and control functions5-17123456789101112EAU26825Brake leverThe brake lever is located on the rightside of the handlebar. To apply the frontbrake, pull the lever toward the throttlegrip.The brake lever is equipped with abrake lever position adjusting dial. Toadjust the distance between the brakelever and the throttle grip, turn the ad-justing dial while holding the leverpushed away from the throttle grip.Make sure that the appropriate settingon the adjusting dial is aligned with the“ ” mark on the brake lever. EAU12944Brake pedalThe brake pedal is located on the rightside of the motorcycle. To apply therear brake, press down on the brakepedal.1. “ ” mark2. Brake lever position adjusting dial3. Brake lever4. Distance between brake lever and throttlegrip41231. Brake pedal1