Periodic maintenance and adjustment8-23123456789101112touches the brake disc, have a Yamahadealer replace the brake pads as a set.EAU48071Rear brake padsEach rear brake pad is provided with awear indicator groove, which allowsyou to check the brake pad wear with-out having to disassemble the brake.To check the brake pad wear, checkthe wear indicator groove. If a brakepad has worn to the point that the wearindicator groove almost appears, havea Yamaha dealer replace the brakepads as a set.EAU22582Checking the brake fluid levelBefore riding, check that the brake fluidis above the minimum level mark.Check the brake fluid level with the topof the reservoir level. Replenish thebrake fluid if necessary.Front brakeRear brakeWARNINGEWA15991Improper maintenance can result inloss of braking ability. Observethese precautions: Insufficient brake fluid may al-low air to enter the brake sys-tem, reducing brakingperformance. Clean the filler cap before re-moving. Use only DOT 4 brakefluid from a sealed container. Use only the specified brake flu-id; otherwise, the rubber seals1. Brake pad wear indicator groove111. Minimum level markLOWER11. Minimum level markSpecified brake fluid:DOT 41