English3 EnOne subwoofer will have a good effect on your audiosystem, however, the use of two subwoofers isrecommended to obtain more effect.If using one subwoofer, it is recommended to place it onthe outside of either the right or the left front speaker. (Seefig. .) If using two subwoofers, it is recommended toplace them on the outside of each front speaker. (Seefig. .) The placement shown in fig. is also possible,however, if the subwoofer system is placed directly facingthe wall, the bass effect may suffer due to cancellation ofdirect and reflected sounds. To prevent this fromhappening, place the subwoofer system at an angle, as infig. or .NoteThere may be a case that you cannot obtain enoughsuper-bass sounds from the subwoofer when listeningin the center of the room. This is because “standingwaves” have developed between two parallel walls andcancel the bass sounds.In such a case, place the subwoofer at an oblique angleto the wall. It also may be necessary to break up theparallel surfaces by placing bookshelves, etc. along thewalls.PLACEMENTABC( : subwoofer, : front speaker)AB CA B