Periodic maintenance and adjustment7-197EAU23098Checking and lubricating thecablesThe operation of all control cables andthe condition of the cables should bechecked before each ride, and the ca-bles and cable ends should be lubri-cated if necessary. If a cable isdamaged or does not move smoothly,have a Yamaha dealer check or re-place it. WARNING! Damage to theouter housing of cables may resultin internal rusting and cause inter-ference with cable movement. Re-place damaged cables as soon aspossible to prevent unsafe condi-tions. [EWA10712]EAU23115Checking and lubricating thethrottle grip and cableThe operation of the throttle gripshould be checked before each ride. Inaddition, the cable should be lubricat-ed by a Yamaha dealer at the intervalsspecified in the periodic maintenancechart.The throttle cable is equipped with arubber cover. Make sure that the coveris securely installed. Even though thecover is installed correctly, it does notcompletely protect the cable from wa-ter entry. Therefore, use care not topour water directly onto the cover orcable when washing the vehicle. If thecable or cover becomes dirty, wipeclean with a moist cloth.Recommended lubricant:Yamaha cable lubricant or othersuitable cable lubricant