OPERATION AND IMPORTANT RIDING POINTS5-15EAU15950WARNINGEWA10270 Become thoroughly familiarwith all operating controls andtheir functions before riding.Consult a Yamaha dealer re-garding any control or functionthat you do not thoroughly un-derstand. Never start the engine or oper-ate it in a closed area for anylength of time. Exhaust fumesare poisonous, and inhalingthem can cause loss of con-sciousness and death within ashort time. Always make surethat there is adequate ventila-tion. Before starting out, make surethat the sidestand is up. If thesidestand is not raised com-pletely, it could contact theground and distract the opera-tor, resulting in a possible lossof control.EAU16420Starting and warming up acold engineIn order for the ignition circuit cut-offsystem to enable starting, one of thefollowing conditions must be met: The transmission is in the neutralposition. The transmission is in gear withthe clutch lever pulled and the sid-estand up.WARNINGEWA10290 Before starting the engine,check the function of the igni-tion circuit cut-off system ac-cording to the proceduredescribed on page 3-17. Never ride with the sidestanddown.1. Turn the fuel cock lever to “ON”.2. Turn the key to “ON” and makesure that the engine stop switch isset to “ ”.3. Shift the transmission into the neu-tral position.NOTE:When the transmission is in the neutralposition, the neutral indicator lightshould be on, otherwise have aYamaha dealer check the electrical cir-cuit.4. Turn the starter (choke) on andcompletely close the throttle. (Seepage 3-9.)5. Start the engine by pushing thestart switch.NOTE:If the engine fails to start, release thestart switch, wait a few seconds, andthen try again. Each starting attemptshould be as short as possible to pre-serve the battery. Do not crank the en-gine more than 10 seconds on any oneattempt.CAUTION:ECA11390 The oil level warning lightshould come on when the key isturned to “ON”, and then go offafter two to three seconds. If theoil level warning light flickers orremains on after starting, imme-U3B811E0.book Page 1 Friday, March 10, 2006 3:27 PM