PERIODIC MAINTENANCE AND MINOR REPAIR6-1764. If the drive chain slack is incorrect,adjust it as follows.EAU40110To adjust the drive chain slack1. Loosen the brake pedal free playadjusting nut, axle nut, and locknutat each end of the swingarm.2. To tighten the drive chain, turn theadjusting nut at each end of theswingarm in direction (a). To loos-en the drive chain, turn the adjust-ing nut at each end of theswingarm in direction (b), and thenpush the rear wheel forward.NOTE:Using the alignment marks on eachside of the swingarm, make sure thatboth adjusting nuts are in the same po-sition for proper wheel alignment.CAUTION:ECA10570Improper drive chain slack will over-load the engine as well as other vitalparts of the motorcycle and can leadto chain slippage or breakage. Toprevent this from occurring, keepthe drive chain slack within thespecified limits.3. Tighten both locknuts and the axlenut to the specified torques.1. Drive chain slack 1. Brake pedal free play adjusting nut2. Drive chain slack adjusting nut3. Locknut1231. Axle nut2. Locknut3. Drive chain slack adjusting nut4. Alignment marks1 (b)4 (a)23