INSTRUMENT AND CONTROL FUNCTIONS3-193EAU00330SidestandThe sidestand is located on the left sideof the frame. Raise the sidestand orlower it with your foot while holding themotorcycle upright.NOTE:_The built-in sidestand switch is part ofthe ignition circuit cut-off system, whichcuts the ignition in certain situations.(See further down for an explanation ofthe ignition circuit cut-off system.)_EW000044WARNING_The motorcycle must not be riddenwith the sidestand down, or if thesidestand cannot be properlymoved up (or does not stay up), oth-erwise the sidestand could contactthe ground and distract the opera-tor, resulting in a possible loss ofcontrol. Yamaha’s ignition circuitcut-off system has been designed toassist the operator in fulfilling theresponsibility of raising the side-stand before starting off. Therefore,check this system regularly as de-scribed below and have a Yamahadealer repair it if it does not functionproperly._EAU03720Ignition circuit cut-off systemThe ignition circuit cut-off system (com-prising the sidestand switch, clutchswitch and neutral switch) has the fol-lowing functions. It prevents starting when the trans-mission is in gear and the side-stand is up, but the clutch lever isnot pulled. It prevents starting when the trans-mission is in gear and the clutchlever is pulled, but the sidestand isstill down. It cuts the running engine whenthe transmission is in gear and thesidestand is moved down.Periodically check the operation of theignition circuit cut-off system accordingto the following procedure. EW000045WARNING_If a malfunction is noted, have aYamaha dealer check the systembefore riding._