D MINOR REPAIR6-32EAU23390ery is located behind panel C.e 6-9.)odel is equipped with aype (MF) battery, which doesire any maintenance. There isto check the electrolyte or tolled water.ge the batteryamaha dealer charge the bat-oon as possible if it seems tocharged. Keep in mind that theends to discharge more quicklyif the vehicle is equipped with optionalelectrical accessories.WARNINGEWA10760 Electrolyte is poisonous anddangerous since it contains sul-furic acid, which causes severeburns. Avoid any contact withskin, eyes or clothing and al-ways shield your eyes whenworking near batteries. In caseof contact, administer the fol-lowing FIRST AID. EXTERNAL: Flush with plentyof water. INTERNAL: Drink large quan-tities of water or milk and im-mediately call a physician. EYES: Flush with water for 15minutes and seek promptmedical attention. Batteries produce explosive hy-drogen gas. Therefore, keepsparks, flames, cigarettes, etc.,away from the battery and pro-vide sufficient ventilation whencharging it in an enclosedspace. KEEP THIS AND ALL BATTER-ve battery lead (black)e battery lead (red)2