1-21 Always inspect your ATV each time you use it tomake sure it is in safe operating condition. Al-ways follow the inspection and maintenanceprocedures and schedules described in thismanual. Always keep both hands on the handlebars andboth feet on the footboards of the ATV duringoperation. Always go slowly and be extra careful when op-erating on unfamiliar terrain. Always be alert tochanging terrain conditions when operating theATV. Never operate on excessively rough, slippery orloose terrain until you have learned and prac-ticed the skills necessary to control the ATV onsuch terrain. Always be especially cautious onthese kinds of terrain. Always follow proper procedures for turning asdescribed in this manual. Practice turning at lowspeeds before attempting to turn at fasterspeeds and never turn at excessive speeds. Never operate the ATV on hills too steep for theATV or for your abilities. Practice on smaller hillsbefore attempting larger hills. Always follow proper procedures for climbinghills as described in this manual. Check the ter-rain carefully before you start up any hill. Neverclimb hills with excessively slippery or loose sur-faces. Shift your weight forward. Never open thethrottle suddenly. Never go over the top of a hillat high speed. Always follow proper procedures for going downhills and for braking on hills as described in thismanual. Check the terrain carefully before youstart down any hill. Shift your weight backward.Never go down a hill at high speed. Avoid goingdown a hill at an angle that would cause the ve-hicle to lean sharply to one side. Go straightdown the hill where possible. Always follow proper procedures for crossingthe side of a hill as described in this manual.Avoid hills with excessively slippery or loose sur-faces. Shift your weight to the uphill side of theATV. Never attempt to turn the ATV around onany hill until you have mastered the turning tech-nique described in this manual on level ground.Avoid crossing the side of a steep hill if possible. Always use proper procedures if you stall or rollbackwards when climbing a hill. To avoid stall-ing, use the proper gear range and maintain a