PERIODIC MAINTENANCE AND ADJUSTMENT6-386a jack either under each side of theframe in front of the rear wheel or undereach side of the swingarm.EAU25871TroubleshootingAlthough Yamaha motorcycles receivea thorough inspection before shipmentfrom the factory, trouble may occur dur-ing operation. Any problem in the fuel,compression, or ignition systems, forexample, can cause poor starting andloss of power.The following troubleshooting chartsrepresent quick and easy proceduresfor checking these vital systems your-self. However, should your motorcyclerequire any repair, take it to a Yamahadealer, whose skilled technicians havethe necessary tools, experience, andknow-how to service the motorcycleproperly.Use only genuine Yamaha replace-ment parts. Imitation parts may look likeYamaha parts, but they are often inferi-or, have a shorter service life and canlead to expensive repair bills.WARNINGEWA15141When checking the fuel system, donot smoke, and make sure there areno open flames or sparks in the ar-ea, including pilot lights from waterheaters or furnaces. Gasoline orgasoline vapors can ignite or ex-plode, causing severe injury orproperty damage.