INSTRUMENT AND CONTROL FUNCTIONS3-143 Do not subject the shock ab-sorber to an open flame or otherhigh heat sources, otherwise itmay explode due to excessivegas pressure. Do not deform or damage thegas cylinder in any way, as thiswill result in poor damping per-formance. Always have a Yamaha dealerservice the shock absorber.EAU15230Luggage strap holdersThere are four luggage strap holders,two of which can be turned out for eas-ier access.EAU15300SidestandThe sidestand is located on the left sideof the frame. Raise the sidestand orlower it with your foot while holding thevehicle upright.NOTE:The built-in sidestand switch is part ofthe ignition circuit cut-off system, whichcuts the ignition in certain situations.(See further down for an explanation ofthe ignition circuit cut-off system.)WARNINGEWA10240The vehicle must not be ridden withthe sidestand down, or if the side-stand cannot be properly moved up(or does not stay up), otherwise thesidestand could contact the groundand distract the operator, resultingin a possible loss of control.Yamaha’s ignition circuit cut-offsystem has been designed to assistthe operator in fulfilling the respon-sibility of raising the sidestand be-fore starting off. Therefore, checkthis system regularly as described1. Luggage strap Page 14 Thursday, May 13, 2004 4:23 AM