PERIODIC MAINTENANCE AND MINOR REPAIR6-276EAU22580Checking the brake fluid levelFront brakeRear brakeInsufficient brake fluid may allow air toenter the brake system, possibly caus-ing it to become ineffective.Before riding, check that the brake fluidis above the minimum level mark andreplenish if necessary. A low brake fluidlevel may indicate worn brake padsand/or brake system leakage. If thebrake fluid level is low, be sure to checkthe brake pads for wear and the brakesystem for leakage.Observe these precautions: When checking the fluid level,make sure that the top of the brakefluid reservoir is level. Use only the recommended qualitybrake fluid, otherwise the rubberseals may deteriorate, causingleakage and poor braking perfor-mance. Refill with the same type of brakefluid. Mixing fluids may result in aharmful chemical reaction andlead to poor braking performance. Be careful that water does not en-ter the brake fluid reservoir whenrefilling. Water will significantlylower the boiling point of the fluidand may result in vapor lock. Brake fluid may deteriorate paint-ed surfaces or plastic parts. Al-ways clean up spilled fluidimmediately. As the brake pads wear, it is nor-mal for the brake fluid level to grad-ually go down. However, if thebrake fluid level goes down sud-denly, have a Yamaha dealercheck the cause.1. Minimum level mark1. Minimum level markRecommended brake fluid:DOT Page 27 Thursday, May 13, 2004 4:23 AM