PERIODIC MAINTENANCE AND MINOR REPAIR6-16EAU17231Safety is an obligation of the owner. Pe-riodic inspection, adjustment and lubri-cation will keep your vehicle in thesafest and most efficient condition pos-sible. The most important points ofmotorcycle inspection, adjustment, andlubrication are explained on the follow-ing pages.Maintenance, replacement, or repairof the emission control devices andsystems may be performed by anyrepair establishment or individualthat is certified (if applicable).WARNINGEWA10320If you are not familiar with mainte-nance work, have a Yamaha dealerdo it for you.EAU17301PERIODIC MAINTENANCEPROPER PERIODIC MAINTENANCEOF YOUR VEHICLE IS IMPORTANTIN ORDER TO ENJOY LONG, PLEA-SURABLE SERVICE. ESPECIALLYIMPORTANT ARE THE MAINTE-NANCE SERVICES RELATED TOEMISSIONS CONTROL. THESECONTROLS NOT ONLY FUNCTIONTO ENSURE CLEANER AIR, BUTARE ALSO VITAL TO PROPER EN-GINE OPERATION AND MAXIMUMPERFORMANCE. IN THE FOLLOW-ING PERIODIC MAINTENANCECHARTS, THE SERVICES RELATEDTO EMISSIONS CONTROL AREGROUPED SEPARATELY. THESESERVICES REQUIRE SPECIALIZEDDATA, KNOWLEDGE, AND EQUIP-MENT. YAMAHA DEALERS ARETRAINED AND EQUIPPED TO PER-FORM THESE PARTICULAR SER-VICES.EAU17510Owner’s tool kitThe owner’s tool kit is located inside thestorage compartment under the seat.(See page 3-9.)The service information included in thismanual and the tools provided in theowner’s tool kit are intended to assistyou in the performance of preventivemaintenance and minor repairs. How-ever, additional tools such as a torquewrench may be necessary to performcertain maintenance work correctly.NOTE:If you do not have the tools or experi-ence required for a particular job, havea Yamaha dealer perform it for you.1. Owner’s tool Page 1 Thursday, May 13, 2004 4:23 AM