Instrument and control functions3-133EAU12461Turn signal switch “ / ”To signal a right-hand turn, push thisswitch to “ ”. To signal a left-handturn, push this switch to “ ”. Whenreleased, the switch returns to the cen-ter position. To cancel the turn signallights, push the switch in after it has re-turned to the center position.EAU12501Horn switch “ ”Press this switch to sound the horn.EAU12664Engine stop switch “ / ”Set this switch to “ ” (run) beforestarting the engine. Set this switchto “ ” (stop) to stop the engine in caseof an emergency, such as in the eventof an overturn or if the throttle is stuck.EAU12713Start switch “ ”Push this switch to crank the enginewith the starter. See page 5-2 for start-ing instructions prior to starting the en-gine.EAU88273Hazard switch “OFF/ ”Use this switch to turn on the hazardlights (simultaneous flashing of all turnsignal lights). The hazard lights areused in case of an emergency or towarn other drivers when your vehicle isstopped where it might be a traffic haz-ard.The hazard lights can be turned on oroff only when the main switch is in the“ON” position. You can turn the mainswitch to the “OFF” or “LOCK” posi-tion, and the hazard lights will continueto flash. To turn off the hazard lights,turn the main switch to the “ON” posi-tion and operate the hazard switchagain.NOTICEECA10062Do not use the hazard lights for anextended length of time with the en-gine not running, otherwise the bat-tery may discharge.EAU88941“SEL/RES” switchThis switch is used to make setting anddisplay changes in the multi-functionmeter unit. See page 3-6 for more in-formation.To use the “SEL” switch, move the“SEL/RES” switch in direction (a). Touse the “RES” switch, move the“SEL/RES” switch in direction (b).1. “SEL/RES” switch111(a)(a)(b)(b)(a)(b)