Motorcycle care and storage7-17EAU37834Matte color cautionNOTICEECA15193Some models are equipped withmatte colored finished parts. Besure to consult a Yamaha dealer foradvice on what products to use be-fore cleaning the vehicle. Using abrush, harsh chemical products orcleaning compounds when cleaningthese parts will scratch or damagetheir surface. Wax also should notbe applied to any matte colored fin-ished parts.EAU83443CareFrequent, thorough cleaning of the ve-hicle will not only enhance its appear-ance but also will improve its generalperformance and extend the useful lifeof many components. Washing, clean-ing, and polishing will also give you achance to inspect the condition of thevehicle more frequently. Be sure towash the vehicle after riding in the rainor near the sea, because salt is corro-sive to metals.TIP The roads of heavy snowfall areasmay be sprayed with salt as a de-icing method. This salt can stay onthe roads well into spring, so besure to wash the underside andchassis parts after riding in suchareas. Genuine Yamaha care and main-tenance products are sold underthe YAMALUBE brand in manymarkets worldwide. See your Yamaha dealer for addi-tional cleaning tips.NOTICEECA26280Improper cleaning can cause cos-metic and mechanical damage. Donot use: high-pressure washers orsteam-jet cleaners. Excessivewater pressure may cause wa-ter seepage and deterioration ofwheel bearings, brakes, trans-mission seals and electrical de-vices. Avoid high-pressuredetergent applications such asthose available in coin-operatedcar washers. harsh chemicals, includingstrong acidic wheel cleaners,especially on spoke or magne-sium wheels. harsh chemicals, abrasivecleaning compounds, or wax onmatte-finished parts. Brushescan scratch and damage thematte-finish, use soft sponge ortowel only. towels, sponges, or brushescontaminated with abrasivecleaning products or strong