E5-7EMU00424STARTER WILL NOT OPERATEIf the starter mechanism does not operate(engine cannot be cranked with thestarter), the engine can be manually start-ed with an emergency starter rope.However, the engine can not be manuallystarted if the battery has low voltage. Ifthe battery is discharged to 9 volts orbelow, the electrical fuel pump will notoperate.w8 Use this procedure only in an emer-gency and only to return to port forrepairs.8 When the emergency starter rope isused to start the engine, the start-in-gear protection device does not oper-ate. Make sure the remote control leveris in neutral. Otherwise, the boat couldunexpectedly start to move, whichcould result in an accident.8 Be sure no one is standing behind youwhen pulling the starter rope. It couldwhip behind you and injure someone.8 An unguarded rotating flywheel is verydangerous. Keep loose clothing andother objects away when starting theengine. Use the emergency starter ropeonly as instructed. Do not touch the fly-wheel or other moving parts when theengine is running. Do not install thestarter mechanism or top cowling afterthe engine is running.8 Do not touch the ignition coil, highvoltage wire, spark plug cap or otherelectrical components when starting ofoperating the motor. You could beshocked.