![Yanmar 3JH5E Operation Manual Manual pdf 37 page image](https://manuals-archive2.s3.amazonaws.com/4779206/c45de53df355b77e01b9c321856cfc5437f.jpg)
PRODUCT OVERVIEWJH Series Operation Manual 3112/05Single-Lever Remote Control HandleFigure 4Figure 18Note: Direction of travel will varydepending on installationlocation.1 – Low Speed - FWD or REV2 – Low Speed - FWD or REV3 – NEUTRAL - Power to thepropeller shaft is cut off andthe engine idles4 – Maximum Engine Speed - FWDor REV5 – Maximum Engine Speed - FWDor REVA single handle-type (Figure 18) shouldbe used to operate the marine gear clutch(NEUTRAL, FORWARD and REVERSE)and to control the engine speed.The handle controls the direction of theboat (ahead or astern) and also acts as anaccelerator by increasing engine speed asthe lever is pushed further in FORWARDor REVERSE directions.When the handle is pulled out(Figure 19, (1)), the engine speed can becontrolled without engaging the clutch. Theclutch remains in NEUTRAL, no loadposition. Turn the knob (Figure 19, (2))counterclockwise to move the handle orclockwise to lock the handle.Figure 19Note: Yanmar recommends the use ofa single-lever type for theremote control system. If only atwo-lever type is available in themarket, reduce engine speed to1000 min -1 or less beforeengaging and disengaging themarine gear clutch.(1)(4)(3) (2)(5)0004504(2)(1)0004511